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General Club News
It will be made live early(ish) in 2016 so please bear with us
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the new site please contact one of the committee or email the secretary on and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person
Open to all, Important event coming soon!! AI for pigs. Course Lecturer, Bob Stevenson.
Date- Sunday 9th Feb 2014 at Greenmeadow Community Farm, Cwmbran. NP44 5AJ.
Start 10.30am, Lunch 1. Finish at 3pm....
Cost £15 per head. Booking essential.
email or phone-
01495 755557.
Bring clean outdoor clothes and boots.
Lunch can be booked on the day in the cafe.
Pay on the day.
BSBC AGM 2013 HIGHLIGHTS (13/10/2013)
The club would like to thank East Sutton Park Prison, especially Lorraine & Chris Coveney for hosting a very successful AGM 2013. Thanks also to the prison residents for the sausage breakfast, interesting talks on their life with the pigs and showing us around their immaculate farm & butchery and last but not least to Jean for the lovely lunch at the village hall.
There were a few awards given out at the AGM;
Tom Phillips was awarded the Wylie Turnbull Shield 2013 for a young person’s contribution to the British Saddleback with the very close runners-up being Imogen Sutcliffe & Harry Sutcliffe. Kind thanks to Lorraine & Chris for judging the entries.
Sharon & David Groves - Watchingwell Rajah 87 was BSBC Pig of the Year on points earned on the 2013 show circuit
John & Mary Wreakes - Victoria Lottie 101A was Reserve BSBC Pig of the Year & also awarded their BSBC Champion of Champions Medal.
Amanda Phillips - Brydges Silverwings 277A was awarded her medal for BSBC Reserve Champion of Champions.
The BSBC Committee is now made up of;
President Emeritus: Wylie Turnbull
President: Stan Samuels
Chairman Stephen Booth (BPA Breed Rep)
Vice – Chairman Peggy Darvill
Treasurer: Neil Giles
Admin Secretary: Neil Giles
Show Secretary: John Wreakes
Angus Stovold
Julian Newth
Andy Gready (BPA Breed Rep)
Irving Carter
Mandy Booth
Michaela Giles (Media Secretary)
Caron Kennedy-Stewart
Three co-opt places are currently vacant. Reserved for use by the committee to include people who can bring forward a specific skill.
The committee on behalf of all members would like to thank James Sage and Debbie Beeby for the contribution they have made to the club over the last three year term and continue to make to the British Saddleback Breed.
A selection of photographs will be placed on FB and Twitter and comments can be made if wished. A copy of the AGM minutes have been circulated to the BSBC members by email and paper copy members will receive theirs soon.
The BSBC would like to encourage all members to complete their bloodline survey ASAP. Each breed you own needs to be completed separately. Even if your records are correct please still tick all the boxes and submit.
If you are having trouble then please contact one of the BPA appointed British Saddleback breed surveyors Stephen Booth (0161 9282143), Andy Gready (07967 019332) or Michaela Giles (01403 783849).
The Survey is really important for conservation of our bloodlines by yearly monitoring and helps ensure bloodlines are not lost. If you have pigs that need removing from the system (dead or just not breeding from them anymore) you could even save money on your BPA fees by completing the survey. If you use the online system just log in as usual to the members section and the link will appear - it takes 2 minutes to complete.
Pedigree Identification Workshop to be held at Julian Newth's farm (near the Bath and West Showground) on Sunday 21st July 2013 at 11am
Quite a few new and existing breeders are understandably nervous of some/all aspects of the notching , tattooing and ear tagging process. Julian has offered to host a workshop to help first-timers, those wishing to gain experience or those wishing to brush up on their techniques on his farm. The workshop is open to all pedigree breeders hence tattooinill also be covered.
This is a HANDS-ON workshop and gives a great opportunity to have guided instruction on what to do and how to do it on a live piglet and have a go yourself.
The emphasis is on helping people gain experience in all three identification methods so they can leave the workshop and apply their new skills on their own pigs with confidence.
The workshop is FREE to attend and for a donation you can tuck in to a hog roast lunch. As BPA breed reps, Regional Reps & others experienced in these techniques have been invited to attend, hopefully there should be a wide range of breed experts on hand to help you with identification and perhaps other questions. Full details to follow soon but for now if you could send an expression of interest in attending to OR call the British Saddleback Secretary on 01403 783849 as soon as you can so we know approximate numbers.
If you wish to know more then feel free to call Julian on 07791270859 or email / call the Saddleback Club secretary on the details above.
March 2013: The BSBC wishes to pass on our condolences to the family Mike Chadwick of the Dalehead Herd who sadly passed away recently. Details of the open church service for Mikes family and friends will be known soon. Please email for up to date details
Sherborne Castle Country Fair and Rare Breeds Show
Location: Sherborne Castle, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 5NR
Date: Bank holiday Monday 27 May 2013
Pigs: Berkshire/Large Black, British Lop/Middle White/Welsh, Saddleback, Tamworth, Gloucester Old Spot/Oxford Sandy and Black, Young Handler
Schedules/entry forms from: Ruth Summerley, 4 Watercombe Lane, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2ED Tel 01935 428405
by email from or downloaded from the website
Closing date for entries: 30 April 2013. Rosemary Lovegrove Show Secretary, RBST Dorset Group
In the absence of a BPA Bloodine Survey this year Neil Giles the Admin Sec has performed an unofficial one using BPA Herdbook data.
Neil will keep the document up to date and every few months a new document will be uploaded. Neil has also drawn up a map of BPA registered keepers and the bloodlines they keep, and in what area of the UK, so if you need to know where a specific breeder of a bloodline is - drop him an email.
Firstly; The club would like to thank Julian & Christina for hosting a very successful AGM 2012. We were entertained from the Saturday afternoon through to the Sunday afternoon and almost “foie- gras” with food, from the finest sausages and scotch eggs through to a full lamb spit roast – so thank you from us all.
Wylie Turnbull has kindly accepted the club’s invitation to become our President Emeritus. This position was proposed by the Committee to acknowledge Wylie’s standing in the BSBC and we are honoured he accepted.
There were a few awards given out at the AGM;
- Harry Sutcliffe was awarded the Wylie Turnbull Shield 2012 for a young person’s contribution to the Saddleback pig.
- Debbie & Dave Beeby’s, Brydges Rajah 32A was BSBC Reserve Pig of the Year
- Will Edwards and Amanda Thomas’s, Pantsygawen Rosette 15 was awarded BSBC Pig of the Year
- Amanda Thomas was also BSBC Skittle Champion 2012 (A new award for 2012 only)
The BSBC Committee is now made up of;
President: Stan Samuels
Chairman Stephen Booth (BPA Breed Rep)
Vice – Chairman Peggy Darvill
Treasurer: Nick Hargrave
Admin Secretary: Neil Giles
Show Secretary: John Wreakes
Debbie Beeby
Angus Stovold
James Sage
Julian Newth
Andy Gready (BPA Breed Rep)
Irving Carter
Co-opt: Mandy Booth
Co-opt: Michaela Giles (Media Secretary)
The committee on behalf of all members would like to thank Vaughan Byrne; Alan Rose & Richard Lutwyche for their incredible contribution to the Saddleback Breed. Vaughan and Alan are founder members of the British Saddleback Breeders Club and so have been around since the very beginning. Indeed both have said they will continue to support the club in any way they can and the break from committee will not make a difference to their dedication.
It is Richard Lutwyche that we have to thank for the quality of the club and membership numbers within the club. Richard’s role has been split into 5 separate roles such was his involvement. The debt we owe him is enormous and I hope we can continue his work just as effectively and efficiently.
A selection of photographs has been placed on FB and Twitter and comments can be made if wished. A copy of the AGM minutes will be circulated to the BSBC members in due course.
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 19th October 2012
The new BSBC Yearbook should be with you by the middle of January 2013 and can contain advertisements of your herd and piggy services at a cost of £40.00 per A6 size so approx. 148 x 105 mm in total size for fully paid up members or £50 for non-members (fold an ordinary A4 size in two and then in two again that is the size of A6).
The adverts may have ONE photograph and bullet point wording describing your herd and piggy related services – you may of course take out a full A5 advert at double the cost.
If you would like an advert to be placed in the BSBC Year book, please forward by email to Liz Wilkinson no later than 23rd November 2012.
If your advert is too big, then she will make the necessary alterations to the size, but she will not write or design the advert for you. If it is too wordy or difficult to alter, the BSBC reserve the right to omit it. The Year book will be sent to the printers around the 1st December 2012.
The Year book will also contain a pull out ear notching guide and the breed standards form plus hopefully a Year Planner as well. Members input into the Year Book would be greatly appreciated and it is hoped that it will improve in content year after year, further promote the breed and increase the membership of the club. The year book will also be sent to new 2013 members and so advertising your herd may be money well spent!!
Advert submissions will be invoiced after submission. Submission of an advert is deemed agreeing to pay the total invoice promptly.
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 7th October 2012
A thank-you from Robert Ball's daughter
My mum and the family, wish to thank everyone, for the lovely floral tribute for Dad, it has been placed on our patio table, near the seat where Dad spent much of his time in recent days, reading, and writing letters. My mum and I thought that perhaps some of the members would like to know a little more about Dad. Hence the following.Dad was born the second son of a farming family, and worked on the farm, until he enlisted in the Royal Engineers at the age of twenty in WW11. He served in Europe, and luckily survived the Normandy Landings. On his return to farming he began to build a pedigree herd of milking British Freisans, under the breed name of Ancliffe. (This was the original old English name for the village he grew up in). With his Dad he started to keep large white pigs, and then in 1952, began to build his beloved herd of Saddlebacks. Some were originally from the Merrywood Herd kept by the Williams Family. Following some success in the county shows, he then began to breed Gloucestershire Old Spots, and Middlewhites, and was later very proud to be part of the judging team.I believe that Dad’s Ancliffe Silverwings, was the first ever Saddleback to win Reserve Interbreed Champion at the Royal of England, and he represented the Saddleback Breeders as chairman at the National Pig Breeders meetings in London. He devoted much of his time to his beloved pigs, and also gave time to the Scout Association being a Group Scout Leader, in fact at the time of his passing he was still Honorary Leader of the Troop, and he received a Medal of Merit in 1984. Dad made many lifelong friends among the breeders and farmers, and I am sure he will be remembered as a true gentleman – except perhaps when he had to put a pig in the trailer, when it didn’t want to go in!!!Again many thanks to yourself and the members for your thoughts and tributes.Cheers Helen.
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 3rd October 2012
The sad passing of Robert Ball
Michael Parkin has contacted the BSBC with the sad news of the passing of Robert Ball "Bob". Bob bred British Saddleback pigs at Robin Hill farm, Wigan, until he moved to Australia 19 years ago. He passed away peacefully at the age 91 on the 17th Sept.
Richard Lutwyche replied to the news mentioning that many of our members remember Bob well and how he did much to help conserve the Saddleback breed during a period when it came under pressure and turned from a very populous and popular pig into a rare breed in a short time span. His dedication is much appreciated by the present band of breeders and his name will always be associated with the Saddleback breed.
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 19th September 2012
Scottish Smallholder & Grower Festival 30th September
The Scottish Smallholder & Grower Festival takes place on Sunday 30th September 2012 at Forfar Market, in Angus (DD8 3EZ)
The Festival is still taking livestock entries until the 7th September and sausage entries on the day.
In putting together the schedule of pig classes, The festival have tried to make it as attractive as possible to breeders of rare and traditional breeds, and hope that many will decide to come and exhibit. There are classes for all breeds of pig, butcher's pig and Young Handlers.
The sausage competition is attracting lots of interest and they have some great prizes up for grabs from Weshenfelder, Tong Master and Quality Meat Scotland - please see the schedule on the website for full details.
The event is under cover, with parking on tarmac so will be unaffected by the weather. Take a look at the website
There are still opportunities for breed societies to take a stand if anyone could help out there or alternatively any exhibitors are encouraged to represent the breed by decorating their livestock pens and they have a special class, sponsored by our hosts Lawrie & Symington, for the best livestock pens. Alternatively they would be happy to display any information you were able to send direct to us.
If you have any queries please get in touch via the website or telephone Karen on 01555 890861.
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 6th September 2012
BSBC secretary position re-available
BSBC secretary position re-available, starting October 2012.
If anyone wishes to put themselves forward for nomination for the role then please contact Stephen Booth (BSBC Chairman) on 0161 928 2143 with an expression of interest and he will also detail the duties that would be required. In brief you would be responsible for the day to day running of the club, organising the 2013+ AGM, attending committee meetings, taking minutes, membership, public and press enquiries, liaising with the treasurer, and the newsletter, show & media secretaries.
Take the opportunity to get in quick or you may have to form an orderly queue!!!
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 4th September 2012
BPA Show & Sale 1st September 2012
The Champion Saddleback was Brydges Lady 330A
The highest priced Saddleback was Brydges Viscount 240A who was purchased for 280 guineas
Congratulations to the Beebys on their success!
Happy to add any other Saddleback results from the day if you wish - just let me know
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 1st September 2012
Rugby Farmers Mart - Rare & Native Breed Show & Sale 2012
The Rugby Farmers Mart have contacted the BSBC to announce the 2nd Show & Sale to be held at Stoneleigh Park Kenilworth on the 28th & 29th September.
The website for further details is or email
The show will be held on the Friday and the sale on the Saturday.
The judge is to be confirmed but there are classes for boars of any age, sow any age & maiden gilt followed by breed champions and interbreed classes to compete for the Supreme Championship.
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 24th August 2012
Places to stay during the AGM 13/14 October
Julian Newth & Robin Wilson have compiled a list of places to stay nearby for those planning to attend both days! Book early if you like a particular venue!
There is even a camping option for those of you brave enough to risk the weather or sensible enough to own a camper van!!
Cannards Well Hotel, Cannards Grave
Tel : 01749 347708
Cannards Grave Farmhouse
Tel : 01749 347091
Oak Tree Cottage B&B Pecking Mill
Tel : 07411 421316
Prestleigh Inn, Prestleigh
Tel : 01749 830179
Old Dairy Rooms B&B, Evercreech
Tel : 01749 830531
Stratton Farm Stony Stratton B&B
Tel : 01749 830830
Manor House Farm, Prestleigh
Tel : 01749 838958
Camping : Brook House Inn, Castle Cary (also the venue for Skittles Saturday
Tel : 01963 350188
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 20th August 2012
THE BSBC SOCIAL & AGM WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE 13th & 14th OCTOBER at MANOR FARM, PRESTLEIGH, SHEPTON MALLET, SOMERSET BA4 4NJ. By kind invitation of Julian Newth and his family.
Julian promises us a cracking Saturday with a real Somerset feel including a cider making tour, ploughman’s supper and skittles, followed by a Sunday AGM with lamb spit roast and a tour of his pigs.
Two days have been planned although those wishing to just attend the AGM may choose to attend on Sunday only and those who have a close affinity to cider and skittles may of course just attend on the Saturday.
The Preliminary Programme
Meet at Julian’s farm around midday for tea and coffee on arrival followed at 2pm by a visit to a local cider maker with a tour of the plant and indulgence in the sampling room. Then back to Julian’s partner Chris' pub at 5pm for a ham and cheddar ploughman's, complimented by an evening at a skittle alley (proper skittles not 10-pin bowling).
You will have to make your own sleeping arrangements and there are quite a few local hotels and B&B’s in the area to suit all pockets. Although I am unfamiliar with the area a quick “Google” has shown me that there are quite a few nearby and I would be happy to help if you wish.
Back to Julian’s farm at 11am for the AGM. The reward after the AGM will be a lamb spit roast and a chance of a tour of Julian’s pigs. So please could people disinfect their wellies before they bring them please. Departure will be from around 3pm.
All times are approximate and the final programme, timing, AGENDA and directions will be sent out to all members well before the date. The costs for the days are:
Saturday £15
Sunday £10
Both days £25
To book your place(s) :
either by post: using the booking form you will receive in the post/email next week (along with the official invitation flyer from the admin secretary) and return together with a cheque for the full amount payable to BSBC
Or you can pay on-line – just email with which days and how many places, and member name. The Admin Sec will then email back an e-invoice, which lets you pay on line with any major credit or debit card.
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 9th August 2012
The rumours are true!! The Pig of the Year winner held at the Great Yorkshire Show was indeed a BRITISH SADDLEBACK. Quite right :-)
Once again Amanda Thomas and Will Edwards produced a cracker out of their farm with Pantysgawen Rosette 15.
Judged by Phil Fowlie as the BPA Pig of the Year, there is a photo on Twitter (@saddlebackpig)and on our Facebook page(British Saddleback Breeders Club)so have a look and LIKE US when you do.
Congratulations Amanda & Will!!
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 16th July 2012
First sorry about the blip in service on the website last night - not sure if was me or not but all seems well again now! So lets go with the server was down.
The BSBC now has a functioning official Twitter page (@saddlebackpig). I have added some of the photos that members have sent which should automatically upload to our official Facebook page!
Facebook is giving me a bit if jip at the moment re:loading of logos and crazy layouts but I will beat it and find the solution.
So start liking and posting as soon as you like! I would like photos of show champions, PoY and YPoY qualifiers, breeding female qualifiers to post ... always good to know your competition!! or more accurately who you will be sharing a beer with in the stockmans tent!
And for those that don't show their pigs, show them off on FB and Twitter or post your news from your SB's. Its not the Saddleback showing site it's a must for all those passionate about SB's.
Welcome BSBC to the 21st Century!!
Posted by: Michaela Giles
Date: 1st July 2012
AGM & Members' Day
The Club enjoyed another very successful day out at Jimmy's Farm near Ipswich on Sunday 16th October. Forty nine members and their guests attended a useful and lively AGM with a number of issues raised under Any Other Business giving useful steerage to the Club's Committee. Members came from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall showing how popular this annual get-together has become.
Retiring (soon!) Secretary Richard Lutwyche was presented with a magnificent and very heavy chainsaw-carved Saddleback pig which now has pride of place in his garden.
The Pig of the Year Award went to John Sutcliffe for his senior boar Coalyeat Grand Duke 238D which was also Champion of Champions. The runner-up was last year's Pig of the Year and Champion of Champions, Julian Newth's Prestcombe Golden Arrow 8.
Imogen Sutcliffe won the Wylie Turnbull Shield for the Young Person having done most to promote Saddlebacks during the year and her brother, Harry, took the runners-up prize.
Andy Gready, who looks after the stock at Jimmy's Farm, took members around the pigs to see how much the farm has developed over the five since we were here before. That was followed by lunch with plenty of opportunities for members to chat over the last 12 months and to speculate as to what the next 12 will bring.
Posted by: Richard Lutwyche
Date: 23rd October 2011
Neil Giles (BSBC admin), 27 Wyndham Ave, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1AS
Copyright: British Saddleback Breeders Club - logos, photographs & content may not be copied without permission of the Club
(unless they are your photo's of course!)